Fun Websites

Fun Websites
The websites below are links to games, puzzles, worksheets, and self-quizzes. Use these websites when you are studying for quizzes, doing projects, or just for fun!

All About Living Things
life  What is life?  What makes things "living"?
needsLearn about the five needs of almost all living things!


The Microscope

Microscope Review Site!!  <------Click Here!!!

MIcroPractice naming the parts of the microscope!

 Microscope Parts Worksheet!   <----Click there to practice labeling the microscope parts!


 MicroscopeTake a microscope quiz! 

Classification of Living Things
Learn about the classification of living organisms on this site! 

All About Cells

 Cells Alive! Review the parts of plant and animal cells

Puzzle Do some Cell Puzzles!
Millionaire Play "Who Wants to Be A Millionaire" with Cells!

Construction BUILD A CELL GAME! 
cellsTake a cell labeling quiz!  Get your results instantly!

 Plant CellTake a cell structure and function quiz!  Get your results instantly!

The Human Body
Edheads  Brain Surgery, Knee Surgery, Oh my!!
Frog Virtual Frog Dissection!
Mouse Party is an educational site designed to show you how drugs effect mice neurons.   This is a good website to try when we study the human brain.  NOTE:  Drug use is not promoted or condoned by Mrs. Mach or the University of Utah.  This site is for education purposes only.  You should not do drugs!



Other Cool Sites 

Kinetic CityGames, games and more science games!

Discovery Kids  Discover some fun!


Moment of ScienceQuick Science Fun Facts!


 ScientistsBiographies Biographies of notable life scientists!